How to Choose the Right Webflow Site Plan for Your Website

Envizn labs.
April 3, 2023
7 min
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How to Choose the Right Webflow Site Plan for Your Website

Webflow is a powerful platform that lets you design, build, and host your website without coding. But with so many options and features available, how do you know which Webflow site plan is right for you?Webflow Hosting gives you access to the fastest and most scalable hosting technology on the market — just one click away. By adding a site plan to any site, you can point a custom domain to your Webflow site and have it securely stored on Amazon Web Servers and delivered over the Fastly Network.

In this blog post, we'll explain the differences between the various Webflow site plans and help you decide which one suits your needs and budget.

What are Webflow site plans?

Webflow site plans are subscriptions that allow you to connect your Webflow website to a custom domain, publish it on the web, and access additional features such as CMS, ecommerce, SSL, backups, and more.

Webflow offers three types of site plans: General, Ecommerce, and Enterprise. Each type has different tiers and pricing depending on your website's requirements.

1. General site plans: 

General site plans are ideal for static or content-driven websites that don't need ecommerce functionality. They include:

- Starter: This is a free plan that lets you try Webflow and publish your website on a domain.

Features like -

·      50 CMS items,

·      50 form submissions (lifetime)

·      1 GB bandwidth.

- Basic: This plan costs $14 per month (billed annually) and lets you connect your custom domain to your website.

Features like -

·      It has no CMS items or content editors

·      500 monthly form submissions

·      50 GB bandwidth.

- CMS: This plan costs $23 per month (billed annually) and lets you create dynamic content to the website.

Features like -

·      2,000 CMS items and 3 content editors.

·      It also offers 1,000 monthly form submissions

·      200 GB bandwidth.

- Business: This plan costs $39 per month (billed annually) and lets you scale your website with

Features like:

·      Up to 10,000 CMS items

·      10 content editors

·      It also offers 2,500 monthly form submissions

·      400 GB bandwidth.

2. Ecommerce site plans:

Ecommerce site plans are designed for online stores that need to sell products or services online.

They include:

- Standard: This plan costs $29 per month (billed annually) and lets you sell up to 500 items with a 2% transaction fee.

Features like:

·      CMS plan plus ecommerce features such as inventory management

·      Discount codes, email customization, and more.

- Plus: This plan costs $74 per month (billed annually) and lets you sell up to 1,000 items with a 0% transaction fee.

Features like:

·      Business plan plus ecommerce features such as abandoned cart recovery

·      Advanced shipping options

·      Tax tools, and more.

- Advanced: This plan costs $212 per month (billed annually) and lets you sell up to 3,000 items with a 0% transaction fee.

·      Features like:

·      Plus, plan plus ecommerce features such as custom checkout domain

·      API access, priority support, and more.

3. Enterprise site plans:

Enterprise site plans are customized solutions for large organizations that need enterprise-grade security, scalability, and support for their websites.

They include:

- Enterprise: This plan is available by contacting Webflow sales team and lets you sell unlimited items with a custom transaction fee.

Features like:

·      Advanced plan plus enterprise features such asuptime SLAs

·      page branching

·      Custom billing and invoicing

·      Dedicated account manager, and more.

How to choose the right Webflow site plan for your website?

The best way to choose the right Webflow site plan for your website is to consider your website's goals, needs, and budget.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before choosing a Webflow site plan:

- What is the purpose of your website? Is it a simple landing page, a blog, etc. according to your needs.

- How much traffic do you expect to receive on your website? How much you want your website to have bandwidth strength?

- How much content do you need to create and manage on your website or in other word how much CMS content do you want to store in your website?

- What should be the strength of your content editor who will manage your project?

- Do you need to sell products or services online? if so, then how many items you need to sell?

- Do you need any advanced features such as custom code export, integrations, Search engine optimization support, site searched,etc?

- At last, the most important like, what is your budget for hosting your website?

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