Webflow vs Editor X: Which Platform is Right for Your Website?

Envizn labs.
May 10, 2023
6 min
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Introduction to Webflow and Editor X

Making the best choice for your website's platform is crucial if you're a web developer, designer, or business owner. There are many choices, but two of the more well-liked ones are Webflow and Editor X. It is difficult to pick one platform over the other because they both offer distinctive features and advantages. The differences and similarities between Webflow and Editor X will be thoroughly compared in this post.

Webflow : It is a well-known website builder that enables users to create expert websites without any coding experience. It provides a drag and drop user interface that makes it simple to construct responsive layouts.

Editor X: On the other hand, it is a more recent platform that Wix unveiled in 2019. It is an improved version of Wix that is geared towards expert web designers and developers. It has more sophisticated features and capabilities, which provide you greater control over the design process.

Key differences between Webflow and Editor X

The degree of design control is one of the primary contrasts between Webflow and Editor X. While Editor X is geared at more seasoned designers and developers, Webflow provides a more user-friendly and straightforward interface.

While Editor X gives more sophisticated layout options and design capabilities, Webflow makes it simple for users to develop responsive designs. The platform's focus is yet another distinction.

Editor X is primarily focused on building online apps, whereas Webflow is primarily focused on building websites. As a result, Editor X provides more sophisticated capabilities including dynamic pages and the capacity to design unique databases. Last but not least, Editor X is a standalone platform that can be installed on a local computer, whereas Webflow is a cloud-based platform. This means that with Webflow, users can access their website from anywhere with an internet connection. With Editor X, users must be connected to their local computer to use the platform.

Features and benefits


Webflow offers a range of features and benefits that make it a popular choice among designers and developers. One of the main benefits is its ease of use. The platform offers a drag and drop interface, making it easy for users to create custom layouts and designs. Webflow also offers a range of templates that users can choose from, making it easy to get started with a professional design.

Another benefit of Webflow is its responsive design capabilities. The platform automatically adjusts designs to fit different screen sizes, ensuring that websites look great on any device. Webflow also offers a range of integrations with other services, such as Google Analytics and Mailchimp.

Editor X's

Editor X offers a range of advanced features and capabilities that make it a popular choice among professional designers and developers. One of the main benefits is its design control. The platform offers advanced layout options, such as grid and flexbox, making it easy to create custom designs. Editor X also offers advanced animation capabilities, allowing users to create complex animations that are not possible with other platforms.

Another benefit of Editor X is its dynamic pages feature. This allows users to create pages that display different content based on user input or other factors. Editor X also offers the ability to create custom databases, allowing users to create custom data-driven applications.

Comparing Webflow and Editor X pricing

Webflow and Editor X offer different pricing plans depending on the user's needs. Webflow offers a free plan, as well as paid plans ranging from $12 to $212 per month. The paid plans offer additional features, such as custom domains, form submissions, and more.

Editor X, on the other hand, offers a free plan and a paid plan starting at $17 per month. The paid plan offers additional features, such as unlimited bandwidth and storage, custom code, and more.

Webflow and Editor X customer support

Both Webflow and Editor X offer customer support, but the level of support varies between the two platforms. Webflow offers email support, a knowledge base, and a forum where users can ask questions and get help from other users. They also offer phone support for paid plans.

Editor X offers a dedicated support team that is available 24/7. They offer email, phone, and chat support, as well as a knowledge base and community forum.

Webflow and Editor X user experience

The user experience on both Webflow and Editor X is intuitive and easy to use. Webflow's drag and drop interface makes it easy for beginners to create designs, while Editor X's more advanced features cater to experienced designers and developers.

Both platforms offer a range of templates and design options, allowing users to create custom designs that fit their needs. Webflow's templates are more focused on website design, while Editor X's templates are more focused on web applications.

Webflow and Editor X design capabilities

Webflow and Editor X offer different design capabilities, depending on the user's needs. Webflow offers a range of design options, such as typography, color schemes, and image galleries. The platform also allows users to create custom animations and interactions.

Editor X, on the other hand, offers advanced design capabilities, such as grid and flexbox layouts, custom animations, and the ability to create complex web applications. The platform also offers advanced typography options, allowing users to create custom fonts and letter spacing.

Webflow vs Editor X: Pros and Cons

Webflow and Editor X both offer unique features and benefits, but there are also some drawbacks to each platform.

One drawback of Webflow is its pricing. While the platform offers a free plan, the paid plans can be expensive for small businesses and startups. Another drawback is its limited design capabilities compared to Editor X.

One drawback of Editor X is its learning curve. The platform is more advanced than Webflow, making it challenging for beginners to use. Another drawback is its limited integrations compared to Webflow.

Conclusion: Which platform is right for your website?

Choosing between Webflow and Editor X depends on your needs and experience level. If you're a beginner or have limited coding knowledge, Webflow is a great choice. It offers an intuitive interface, easy-to-use design options, and a range of templates to choose from.

If you're an experienced designer or developer looking for advanced design capabilities and the ability to create complex web applications, Editor X is a great choice. It offers advanced layout options, custom animations, and the ability to create custom databases.

Regardless of which platform you choose, both Webflow and Editor X offer unique features and benefits that can help you create a professional website or web application.

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